Did you know there are products available to you today, at minimal charge, requiring virtually NO installation, that can make a world of difference to your safety and your independenc
e at home?

Many people probably don’t have the first clue about where to find simple products that can make it easier for them to get out of bed in the morning or take a bath at night. Many may think of the standard medical equipment like walkers and canes, but there is so much more out there for you!!
Have you ever considered a suction cup grab bar or a tub clamp? These products require no “installation” and therefore no change to the structure of your home, yet they may very well be a way for you to find added comfort and safety.
If getting in and out of bed is becoming a challenge, don’t assume you need to give up the bed that offers you a great night’s sleep, consider a bed assist. This item secures under your mattress and will provide the extra support you need in getting into bed or repositioning yourself.

To view additional products to help you stay comfortable and independent at home visit http://www.hmeprovider.com/
If you don’t see what you’re looking for, give us a call. Our network contains over 3,000 providers nationwide that specialize in meeting your medical equipment needs. 800-951-1213
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