As the holiday season is upon us and people begin to make plans for travel, those utilizing medical equipment have a much more complicated task ahead of them. Are you or a loved one traveling with cumbersome oxygen equipment? Perhaps a rental Portable Oxygen Concentrator is a more convenient solution for you. A portable oxygen concentrator, (POC), is a portable device used to provide oxygen therapy to a patient at substantially higher concentrations than the levels of ambient air. It is very similar to a home oxygen concentrator, but it smaller in size and more mobile. The portable oxygen concentrator makes it easy for patients to travel freely; they are small enough to fit in a car and most of the major concentrators are now FAA approved. If you'd like help connecting to a medical equipment expert offering rental options contact
HMEprovider.com online or by phone at
800-951-1213. HMEprovider.com can assist with other medical equipment needs as well.
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